Finding the Solution to Logan’s Constant Crying

When Walter entered the house and saw his wife Abby in the kitchen distressed, he knew something was wrong. Their baby, Logan, had cried all night without any apparent reason. This constant crying had become a cause of worry for both parents. They had tried everything – checking his diapers, feeding him, and even taking him to the doctor – but nothing seemed to calm their son down.

Walter reassured his wife and together they decided to investigate the issue. They entered Logan’s room and Walter gently picked him up, trying to comfort him. Unfortunately, as soon as they put him back in his crib, the crying resumed, even louder than before. This gave Walter an idea – maybe there was something wrong with the crib.

Logan sleeping peacefully

Upon inspection, Walter found a stone inside the mattress. Confused, he approached Abby and asked her why she would put a stone inside Logan’s crib. Abby was just as puzzled and denied any knowledge of the stone. It was then that Walter’s mom appeared at the door, revealing that she had put the stone in the crib, believing it would catch Logan’s dreams and help him sleep.

Both Walter and Abby were surprised and had many questions for Walter’s mom. They couldn’t understand why she would do such a thing without their permission. Abby was particularly frustrated, as the stone had caused countless sleepless nights for their family.

In the midst of the argument, they all turned their attention towards Logan, who had finally fallen asleep peacefully in his crib. Seeing their baby at peace, Abby’s MIL apologized for her actions, and Abby and Walter forgave her. They understood that she had good intentions, even though her decision was misguided.

In the end, the family came together and resolved the issue. Logan could now sleep soundly without the disturbance of the stone in his crib. It was a lesson learned for everyone involved – communication and consent are essential when it comes to making decisions about a baby’s environment.

Remember, sometimes the strangest things can disturb a baby’s sleep. It’s important to address any potential issues and create a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for your little one.