My Parents Gave Me $10,000 for College – and What They Wanted in Return Surprised Me

When my parents handed me $10,000 to help pay for my college education, I was grateful – until they revealed their conditions. Not only did they expect me to use the money exclusively for educational expenses, but they also demanded that I maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 throughout my college years. And that wasn’t all – they wanted access to my grades and financial statements at any time to ensure I was following their rules.


At first, I didn’t think too much about their requirements. I thought they were fair conditions. But then, it hit me like a ton of bricks – they wanted control over my college experience rather than simply supporting me financially. Suddenly, the $10,000 felt more like a leash than a lifeline.

I tried to talk to my parents and explain that I appreciated their generosity but felt uncomfortable with their conditions. After all, wasn’t college supposed to be about independence and self-discovery? But they refused to budge. They insisted they were looking out for my best interests and that I should be grateful for their support. They even threatened to withdraw the offer if I didn’t comply.

Feeling trapped and torn between my desires for independence and my need for financial assistance, I turned to the internet for advice. Instead of finding clarity, I was bombarded with differing opinions, ranging from accusations of entitlement to sympathy for my situation.

Now I find myself questioning if my parents are justified in expecting such strict conditions in exchange for their financial support. Is it reasonable for them to have strings attached to their gift? As I wrestle with these questions, one thing is clear – the path to independence during college is often more complicated than we initially envision.