Tom, a devoted father from England, shares an unbreakable bond with his young son, Roman. However, their loving displays of affection have recently come under fire from online trolls. Tom has been criticized for kissing his five-year-old son on the lips, with some accusing him of confusing the child. But Tom isn’t letting negativity get to him. With a mix of logic and humor, he is fighting back against the trolls. And he’s got support from none other than Roman himself, who confidently tells the critics, “You are all crazy!”
Nurturing Bonds and Raising Children
The bond between a parent and child is precious and shapes the values, principles, and identity of the little ones as they grow. Every parent has their own unique approach to raising their children, influenced by various factors such as culture, socioeconomic status, and personal preferences.
Tom, a father of two from Yorkshire, England, refuses to let trolls and their negative comments influence his parenting style. He frequently shares videos on TikTok, where he garners attention for his icy blue eyes, charming accent, well-toned and tattooed body, and most importantly, his unwavering love for his sons. Roman, who is five years old, and Raphael Reign, who was born just recently in mid-May 2023, hold a special place in Tom’s heart.
Standing Strong Against Criticism
Unfortunately, many of the videos Tom shares on TikTok involve him defending himself against accusations that he is confusing his son or putting him in danger from strangers or infections. But Tom refuses to back down.
When a user commented on one of his videos, saying, “Just gorgeous both but don’t kiss him on the lips,” Tom responded by emphasizing that he will continue showering his son with love for as long as he deems necessary. He lovingly explains, “I will kiss my son, my five-year-old child, on the lips because I love him to bits and one day he won’t want me to, so for now, I’ll carry on as I am.”
Fans flooded in with words of support, sharing their own experiences and defending Tom’s loving gesture. One fan wrote, “I always kissed my dad on the lips, and I lost him two years ago. I wish I could cuddle him and kiss him again.” Tom gratefully replied to these heartfelt comments, stating, “He is the most loving little boy, and it’s because we raise him with love. Thank you for these comments.”
Addressing Unfounded Claims
One particularly outrageous comment accused Tom of causing cavities in Roman by kissing him on the lips. In response, Tom shared a witty video where he asked Roman what he thought about the claim. With a giggle, Roman dismissed the suggestion, sealing it with a kiss on his daddy’s lips. His fans were quick to voice their support, with one even stating, “I work as a dentist, and that is so ridiculous. Carry on being the loving dad you are!”
Despite the trolls’ persistent attacks, Tom remained undeterred. In a viral video, he reassured his followers that nothing would change and asked Roman what he thought of people who criticized their affectionate bond. Roman was quick to respond, saying with conviction, “You are all crazy. That’s my daddy!” The video ended with a heartwarming kiss between father and son.
Breaking Stereotypes and Promoting Love
Tom’s supporters rallied around him, defending his right to express love for his son in his own unique way. One commenter highlighted the double standards faced by fathers, asking, “If this was his mom, I’m sure you wouldn’t have a problem with it.” Tom acknowledged this observation, appreciating the woman for shedding light on an important issue. He stated, “I genuinely don’t think anything would have been said if it was a mom kissing a little boy… I’m glad it’s a woman saying this as well.”
In another response, Tom humorously challenged a comment suggesting his affectionate kisses made his son vulnerable to strangers. He playfully presented an alternative perspective, suggesting that teaching children about appropriate boundaries is more important than withholding love.
Embracing Love and Support
Despite the trolls’ attempts to undermine Tom’s parenting choices, the majority of his online community stands firmly by his side. They celebrate the love he showers on his son and admire the bond they share. Tom’s unwavering resolve in the face of criticism sends a powerful message – a parent’s love knows no boundaries.
So what do you think? Is it acceptable for fathers to kiss their children on the lips? And should mothers be held to the same standards?