Ryan Seacrest, the renowned television and radio host, recently ended his three-year relationship with girlfriend Aubrey Paige. Although the news came as a surprise, sources close to the couple reveal that they intend to remain friends despite the romantic split.
The couple first went public with their relationship in May 2021 when they were spotted together in the Hamptons during Memorial Day weekend. However, they chose to keep their romance low-key, attending only a select few industry events together.
Their relationship was further solidified when they made their red carpet debut at the Tribeca Film Festival a year later. Ryan Seacrest, who is known for his constant presence at industry events, ensured that their partnership received the recognition it deserved.
Fans became aware of the breakup through a cryptic Instagram post by Aubrey. In the video, she was seen dancing around her new apartment, but Ryan was notably absent. The caption, which read “rebirth,” left many speculating that the couple had indeed gone their separate ways.
Comments from fans flooded in, expressing a range of emotions. Some expressed anger towards Ryan, accusing him of stringing women along and being selfish. Others shared their disappointment and questioned his ability to commit.
We want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on Ryan Seacrest and Aubrey Paige’s breakup? Share your opinions in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this update with other Ryan Seacrest fans!