A hilarious story begins when a man comes home completely drunk one night. As he stumbles through the door, he is met with an angry and scowling wife. She demands to know where he has been all night.
To his wife’s surprise, he enthusiastically shares his wild adventure at a place called “The Golden Saloon.” He describes everything about it being golden – the doors, the floor, and even the urinal!
Naturally, the skeptical wife decides to investigate further. The next day, she finds a listing for a place called the Golden Saloon in the phone book. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she decides to call and verify her husband’s story.
When the bartender answers the phone, she asks him if this is indeed the Golden Saloon. The bartender confirms that it is. Excitedly, she begins her inquiries.
“Do you have huge golden doors?”
The bartender replies, “Sure do.”
“How about golden floors?”
“Most certainly!”
Curiosity piqued, she boldly asks, “And what about golden urinals?”
There’s a brief pause, before the woman hears the bartender yell in the background, “Hey, Duke! I think I’ve got a lead on the guy who peed in your saxophone last night!”
And that’s how this amusing story takes a comical twist. The wife never expected that her investigation would uncover such a hilarious revelation. It goes to show that sometimes, things are not what they seem, and a simple phone call can lead to unexpected surprises.
So, remember, it’s always good to have a sense of humor and be open to unexpected twists in life. You never know what adventures might await you at the Golden Saloon or any other place you decide to explore!