KJP Goes Ballistic, Shouts Down Peter Doocy After Border Crisis Question

In a heated exchange during a September 2023 White House Press Briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre found herself in a confrontation with Peter Doocy, Fox News Channel’s White House Correspondent. The tension arose when Doocy pressed Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s border policy.Featured image

Doocy’s initial question was direct and provocative. He asked, “Thanks, Karine. So, what do you call it here at the White House when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day?” Jean-Pierre responded by deflecting the question and turning it back on the GOP. Frustrated by her evasiveness, Doocy attempted to interject, but Jean-Pierre cut him off, exclaiming, “No, no, no, no, no, no, you can’t—

The altercation escalated, with Doocy persisting in seeking an answer while Jean-Pierre raised her voice in response. Eventually, she refused to address the question altogether and moved on, remarking, “I tried to answer the question, and you stopped me.

Undeterred, Doocy returned the following day, determined to receive a response. When given the opportunity to speak, he simply stated, “I— same question.” Jean-Pierre chuckled, prompting Doocy to restate his question from the previous day about the influx of people crossing the border illegally. This time, Jean-Pierre offered a partial response, emphasizing that the Biden administration had taken action by removing over 250,000 individuals since May 12th and investing in securing the border.

To watch the intense back-and-forth between Jean-Pierre and Doocy, click here.

Jean-Pierre also took the opportunity to criticize the previous administration and the Republican opposition to immigration reform, painting Biden as doing more to address the broken immigration system than his predecessor. She claimed that the administration had hired an additional 25,000 CBP agents and accused Republicans of undermining border security.

While tensions ran high in the briefing room, it is worth noting that border policy remains a contentious issue, with differing opinions on the best approach to address the challenges at the border.