Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 15-year-old child, previously known as Seraphina Rose, made their public debut with a new name, Fin, at a memorial service for Jennifer’s father. They wore a buzz-cut hairstyle and introduced themselves before reading a bible verse.
A new name can represent a more affirming life for some transgender or gender-nonconforming people, which often means a fresh start, giving them a way to finally live in their truth, Cleveland Clinic explains. Refusing to acknowledge a person’s new name or continue to use their old name can be quite invalidating or traumatic, and it is referred to as “deadnaming” someone.
Bored Panda has contacted Jennifer and Ben’s respective representatives to clarify whether Fin’s birth name is to be considered a dead name moving forward and for comment.
In footage obtained by the Daily Mail, Fin didn’t specify which pronouns they use while speaking at the congregation at Christ Church United Methodist in Charleston, West Virginia, on Saturday (April 6). As a result, Bored Panda has chosen to use they/them pronouns when referring to Fin.
A New Name and Fresh Start
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 15-year-old child, previously known as Seraphina Rose, recently revealed their new name, Fin, at a memorial service for Jennifer’s father. This is a significant moment in their life, as a new name can symbolize a more authentic and affirming identity for transgender or gender-nonconforming individuals.
The act of refusing to acknowledge a person’s new name or insisting on using their old name is known as “deadnaming” and can be highly invalidating and traumatic. It is essential to use a person’s chosen name to respect their identity and show support.
Fin’s Public Introduction
During the memorial service, which was streamed live on Facebook, Fin introduced themselves to the congregation at Christ Church United Methodist in Charleston, West Virginia. They appeared with a buzz-cut hairstyle, embracing their new look and identity. Fin confidently read a bible verse, marking their public debut with their new name.
Choosing the Right Pronouns
In the video footage, Fin did not explicitly mention their preferred pronouns. Therefore, Bored Panda has decided to use they/them pronouns when referring to Fin. Respect for an individual’s gender identity includes using the appropriate pronouns that align with their self-identified gender.
A Meaningful Verse
Fin chose to read Chapter 16, Verse 8, from the Book of Proverbs during the memorial service. The verse, “Better is a little with righteousness, than a large income with injustice,” emphasizes the importance of moral integrity over material wealth. It serves as a reminder of the value of leading a righteous life and making ethical choices.
A Family in Support
The memorial service was held in honor of Jennifer’s father, William Jack Garner, who passed away at the age of 85. Alongside Fin, their siblings Violet Anne and Samuel also participated in the service, showcasing the unity of the family during this time of loss and mourning. Despite Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s separation, they have maintained a friendly relationship and continue to prioritize their children’s well-being.
Embracing Change Together
In a heartwarming connection, Fin has formed a bond with Emme Maribel Muniz, Jennifer Lopez’s 16-year-old daughter. Emme also uses gender-neutral pronouns and has become close with Fin as a step-sibling. This shared experience of identity exploration and acceptance has brought them even closer as a family.
A New Chapter of Identity
Fin’s decision to publicly embrace their new name signifies an essential milestone in their life. It is a moment of self-discovery and empowerment, as they continue to navigate their gender identity and live authentically. The support from their family and friends is crucial in creating an inclusive and accepting environment for Fin to thrive.