A Father’s Unwavering Love: Kissing His Son on the Lips Brings Happiness, Not Confusion

Tom, a devoted father from England, cherishes every opportunity to express his love for his young son, Roman. However, when their displays of affection spread on social media, some individuals expressed their disapproval. People accused Tom of confusing his five-year-old son by kissing him on the lips. But Tom, armed with logic and a sense of humor, is fighting back against these trolls. With Roman by his side, they confidently declare to these critics, “You are all crazy!”

Slammed by trolls for kissing his young son on the lips – he has a strong response for them

The bond between a parent and a child is precious and enduring. It shapes the values, principles, and character of our little ones as they grow. Every parent has their own unique approach to raising their children, influenced by factors such as culture, socioeconomic status, mental and physical health, or personal preference.

Tom, a loving father from Yorkshire, England, refuses to let trolls and their negative comments influence his parenting technique. He frequently shares videos on TikTok, where he receives attention for his captivating icy blue eyes, charming accent, well-sculpted and tattooed body, and most importantly, his deep affection for his two sons—five-year-old Roman and baby Raphael Reign, who was born in May 2023.

Many of Tom’s TikTok videos now address the accusations that he is confusing Roman or putting him in danger of strangers or infections. But Tom refuses to back down.

On June 27, when a user commented, “Just gorgeous both but don’t kiss him on the lips,” Tom responded by emphasizing that he would continue showering his son with love for as long as he deems necessary and as long as Roman allows it. Tom shared, “I find it worrying that it bothers you. I will kiss my son, my five-year-old child, on the lips because I love him to bits. He’s my best pal, and one day he won’t want me to. So, for now, I’ll carry on as I am.”

Supportive fans flooded the comments section, expressing their love for kissing their own children and grandchildren. One commenter, who had lost her father, shared her regret for not being able to kiss him again. Tom responded to these heartfelt comments, acknowledging that Roman is a loving little boy because they raise him with love.

However, one outrageous accusation from a user provoked a witty response video from Tom. The user claimed that kissing can transmit bacteria and make children more susceptible to cavities. In a video that gained almost 123,000 likes, Tom sarcastically addressed the claim, highlighting how absurd it is to suggest that kissing could cause cavities in his five-year-old son. Roman, giggling with delight, chimed in to dismiss the idea.

Fans were quick to defend Tom, ridiculing the unsupported claim and expressing their support for his loving bond with his son. As one fan commented, “That is soooo ridiculous, and I work as a dentist. Carry on being the loving dad you are. Your son is so cute.”

In early July, Tom shared another video that quickly went viral. In the video, Tom and Roman sit together in the car, with Tom reassuring his son that nothing will change despite the negative comments. Turning to Roman, he asks, “Roman, what do you think of people who think you shouldn’t kiss me on the lips?” Roman emphatically responds, “You are all crazy. That’s my daddy!” The heartwarming video ends with the pair sharing a sweet kiss.

Fans rallied behind Tom, expressing their support and admiration for his strong stance against the trolls. One fan noted that children would speak up if they didn’t like being kissed by their parents when they grow older. Another fan appreciated the father-son relationship, sharing how different cultures may have different customs, like kissing on the cheeks instead.

Tom also acknowledged a comment from a user, who raised an important point about the gender double standard. Some individuals seem to have an issue with fathers kissing their children on the lips while they would not have the same opinion if it were a mother kissing her child. Tom expressed his curiosity about this double standard and appreciated the user for highlighting it. He concluded by declaring that he would not change anything.

In one of his responses, Tom humorously addressed a comment about the potential risk of strangers taking advantage of the innocent pecks exchanged between a father and his son. Tom cleverly applied the same flawed logic to other aspects of parenting, highlighting how absurd it is to suggest that a simple act of affection can make a child vulnerable. He proposed teaching children the difference between showing affection to their parents and engaging with strangers.

The majority of people in Tom’s online community support him wholeheartedly, celebrating the love he gives his son. They stand firmly by his side, defending his right to parent how he sees fit. After all, online trolls have no position to dictate how a parent should express their love for their child.

So, what do you think about fathers kissing their children on the lips? Do you believe it’s acceptable for a mother to do the same? Express your thoughts and join the discussion.