The Oscars red carpet is always full of excitement and surprises. And this year was no different. Among the standout moments of the 96th Academy Awards was John Cena’s hilarious naked walk across the stage and Al Pacino’s unconventional announcement of the Best Film winner. But it was not just the on-stage moments that caught people’s attention. The fashion choices of the celebrities on the red carpet also sparked a lot of discussions and debates.
One particular outfit that caused a stir was worn by actress Kelly Ripa. As she and her husband Mark Consuelos made their way down the red carpet, all eyes were on Kelly and her stunning black, see-through gown. Kelly, always one to make a fashion statement, shared a photo of the two of them on Instagram with the caption: “Mom and dad storming the red carpet.”
The photo quickly garnered a lot of love and appreciation from Kelly’s fans. Many complimented her on the dress, calling it stunning and beautiful. They also praised Mark for his impeccable style. However, there were some detractors who didn’t quite agree with Kelly’s fashion choice. But overall, the response was overwhelmingly positive.
It’s not surprising that celebrities’ fashion choices are heavily scrutinized, especially in the age of social media. With live photos and instant sharing, it’s easier than ever for people to discuss and debate outfits in real time. And of course, an event as prestigious as the Oscars is bound to receive a lot of attention.
Personally, I think Kelly and Mark looked fantastic at the Oscars. But what do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And if you’re interested in more celebrity news, be sure to check out the articles below.