In a devastating incident early Monday morning, three courageous firefighters from Baltimore tragically lost their lives while responding to a fire in an abandoned house. The firefighters were heroically trying to extinguish the fire when the building unexpectedly collapsed, trapping them inside. Although one firefighter was pulled from the wreckage and is still fighting for his life, our hearts ache for the loss of Lieutenant Paul Butrim, firefighter and paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT and firefighter Kenny Lacayo.
The Baltimore community is grieving the loss of these dedicated individuals who selflessly served our city. Mayor Brandon Scott expressed his deepest gratitude and respect, saying, “Baltimore owes them the deepest gratitude and respect that we can offer anybody.” These heroes put their lives on the line to protect us, and they will be sorely missed.
Firefighter John McMaster, the sole survivor of this tragic accident, is currently in critical condition. He is clinging to life with the support of life-saving equipment. Doctors, like Dr. Thomas Scalea from Maryland Shock Trauma, remain hopeful for his recovery, but it is still uncertain. Our thoughts and prayers are with McMaster and his family during this incredibly difficult time.
The cause of the building collapse is still under investigation. However, it is worth noting that this same location had a past incident in 2015, where three firefighters were injured while battling a fire. Additionally, the property owner was previously cited in 2020 for failing to register the derelict property. It is crucial that we ensure the safety of our firefighters by holding neglectful property owners accountable for maintaining their buildings.
To honor the memory of these fallen heroes, the Baltimore City Fire Department has shared a photo of the victims along with a heartfelt caption. The caption reads, “Today, Lt. Paul Butrim, FF Kelsey Sadler & FF Kenny Lacayo lost their lives in service to our city. FF John McMaster remains in the hospital in critical but stable condition. We will continue to pray for the family of those we lost.” We invite you to leave your thoughts, condolences, and any stories or memories you may have of these extraordinary firefighters in the comments below. Let us celebrate their lives and express our gratitude for their bravery.
As a community, let us rally together during this difficult time and support one another. The loss of these brave firefighters brings us great sorrow, but their legacy of selflessness and dedication will forever inspire us.