Should This Harley-Davidson Billboard Stay or Go?

The Hotly Debated Billboard

Billboards have a way of catching our attention. Sometimes, they provoke controversy by discussing sensitive topics. Other times, they simply aim to divert our gaze from the road to what they have to offer. However, a recent Harley-Davidson billboard has stirred up a nationwide debate due to its “offensive” language that some find inappropriate.

The billboard was quite simple in its message. It encouraged individuals to hop on a Harley and lead a more courageous life. The tagline, however, ignited the controversy:
“Leave all the bulls**t in the wind behind you.”

This advertisement was created by the Bayside Harley-Davidson dealer in Portsmouth, targeting potential bike buyers who relish the idea of hitting the open road. The dealership’s general manager, Shawn Robinson, is a firm believer in the tagline and feels that people should not be overly sensitive to the use of explicit language.

When you ride a bike, Robinson explains, you leave behind all the daily stresses of life – the demanding boss, the household responsibilities, and the constant obligations. “It goes away, so it’s a true saying.”

Despite Robinson’s belief in the innocent intent behind the billboard, he was taken aback by the offense it caused within his local community. Located along I-264 East, the sign triggered numerous complaints via phone calls and scathing responses on social media.

Robinson defended the billboard’s content, stating that the billboard company and Harley-Davidson had both approved it, and they did not perceive the term as offensive. However, many individuals in the area, particularly parents, were furious that Harley-Davidson was promoting ads that they felt were a negative influence on their children.

Brian Robbins expressed his concern, saying, “Before you know it, there will be nothing but a bunch of idiots swearing around my kids with zero respect for innocence. My six-year-old (who reads everything she sees) will read this and be shocked. Think about the kids when using profanity. There is a time and place for it, but not on a public highway.”

Mark Bethel shared this sentiment by stating, “Yes, freedom of speech. However, the billboard companies have the ultimate say.”

Portsmouth City Councilman Bill Moody confirmed that, because the billboard was situated on Bayside’s property, it could exercise its freedom of speech rights without restriction.

Despite any unintended offense caused by the sign, Robinson hopes that the situation will bring attention to the real problems facing the Portsmouth community. He emphasizes that the city is facing economic challenges and believes that the focus should be redirected towards more pressing matters, such as the approval of a downtown casino.

Opinions Remain Divided

Opinions about the controversial sign are greatly divided. Supporters of Robinson argue that the sign was intended for bikers and, from their perspective, it was not inappropriate. However, those who have young children believe that its placement on a public highway makes it inappropriate and potentially harmful.

What do you think? Should the billboard stay or go?