Celeb Reveals The “Dirty” Truth About Her Relationship With Her Son

Alicia Silverstone, the famous actress known for her role as Cher Horowitz in Clueless, has a unique relationship with her eleven-year-old son, Bear. In a recent podcast episode, Silverstone confessed to doing something unusual with her son every night – they sleep in the same bed.

Why does she do this? Silverstone cherishes the bond with her son and wants to shower him with affection and love for as long as possible. She believes in the power of love and nature, even if our society tends to shy away from it.

While Silverstone knows that some people may find her sleeping arrangement unconventional, she doesn’t care. She is determined to keep Bear close to her, even when they are supposed to have separate sleeping arrangements.

This special bond between mother and son has been there since Bear was a baby. Silverstone would even chew his food for him before he ate it, just like a mother bird taking care of her young. Bear, now eleven, still shows a strong interest in his mother’s food and often crawls across the room to “attack” her mouth if she’s eating.

Aside from their sleeping arrangement, Silverstone is also raising Bear as a vegan. She believes in a plant-based life and wants her son to grow up understanding where his food comes from and that no animals were harmed in its creation.

Bear is the result of Silverstone’s marriage to Christopher Jarecki, and even though they divorced, they continue to co-parent him successfully. Silverstone mentioned in an interview that they see Bear daily and work together as a team to provide him with a loving and supportive environment.

In addition to their unique sleeping arrangement, Bear joins his mommy in practicing yoga, cooking, and going for walks. Together, they embrace a healthy vegan lifestyle. While some may question whether it’s healthy for Bear to still sleep with his mom, they seem to have a strong and healthy relationship.

Alicia Silverstone’s unorthodox approach to parenting shows the strength of the bond between a mother and her child. By keeping Bear close and embracing a vegan lifestyle, she aims to give her son a nurturing and loving upbringing.