Two teenage boys in the Canadian town of Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, became unlikely heroes when they spotted a crowd surrounding a car. As they approached, they were stunned to find a creature frozen and unable to move. Determined to save the animal, the boys sprang into action, not knowing what to do but determined to find a solution.
The boys described the creature as barely recognizable, covered in insulation foam and struggling for survival. Realizing they needed help, they went inside a nearby grocery store and improvised by finding a small milk crate to house the squirrel. With no one around to offer guidance, they reached out to friends and family for assistance.
Jaydon’s mother came to their aid by contacting a veterinary clinic 20 miles away, explaining the situation and requesting immediate help. Dr. Melanie Eagan from St. George Veterinary Clinic was shocked by what she saw. The squirrel was completely encrusted in foam, barely able to move its back legs.
Thanks to the boys’ quick thinking and Jaydon’s mother’s intervention, the squirrel was brought to the veterinary clinic in time. Dr. Eagan suspects that the animal had become trapped in someone’s garage, basement, or shed and got caught in the insulation foam while trying to escape. It was a race against time to save the squirrel from further distress.
Removing the foam required patience, time, and rubbing alcohol. Dr. Eagan carefully worked to loosen the foam from the animal’s fur, causing it to lose some fur in the process. Eventually, the squirrel was freed and released back into the wild.
This heartwarming story reminds us of the kindness and compassion of two young boys who went above and beyond to rescue a helpless creature. Their swift actions undoubtedly saved the squirrel’s life, and we commend them for their bravery.
Let us all celebrate these two kind-hearted teenagers and share their story to honor their remarkable efforts!