Meet Sarah Andres, a talented makeup artist known as @lashesandlosing on TikTok. With her impressive beauty transformations, she has left fans in awe and even earned comparisons to the legendary Mariah Carey. In a recent video shared with her 747,700 followers, Sarah showcased her self-taught makeup skills in her at-home studio.
The video began with Sarah wearing a casual ponytail and an animal print dressing gown. But with a few expert makeup strokes, something magical happened. Every visible pore seemed to vanish, and she emerged looking absolutely glamorous in a stunning plunge-neck dress, with her hair styled just like Mariah Carey’s. Fans were quick to notice the striking resemblance to the award-winning singer, and while it’s unclear if Sarah intended this, she graciously welcomed the comparison in the comments section.
While many admired Sarah’s talent and stunning transformation, not all comments were kind. One viewer issued a warning, saying, “Scary ain’t it boys? You never know.” But this negativity didn’t deter Sarah, who proudly labeled herself a “#catfish” for all her 747.7K followers to see.
With a massive 8.4 million likes on the platform, Sarah’s popularity has soared. However, some skeptics questioned whether makeup was her only secret, suggesting she might use filters to hide certain features. But Sarah’s loyal supporters came to her defense, dismissing the negative remarks as mere jealousy.
Sarah’s makeup transformations have left her fans mesmerized. Using before-and-after frames, she showcases the incredible difference that makeup can make. Her skills have even garnered requests for full makeup tutorials, as many wish to replicate her gorgeous looks.
Sarah hails from Edmonton, Alberta, and she continues to amaze her followers with her impressive makeup artistry. But she’s not the only one captivating audiences on TikTok. A 47-year-old Kansas woman, known as the ‘Catfish Queen,’ has also wowed viewers with her natural beauty versus glam makeup looks. With the expert use of concealer, foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick, she achieves astonishingly different appearances.
Through her TikTok journey, Sarah Andres has proven that makeup is a powerful tool that can enhance and transform one’s appearance. While some may criticize her use of makeup, her loyal fans continue to praise her for her flawless application skills and incredible artistry. As Sarah continues to share her makeup talents, her influence on social media grows, inspiring others to experiment and embrace their own unique beauty.