A Miracle Baby’s Incredible Journey

Pregnancy and labor can be a scary time for mothers, all they want is to deliver a healthy baby who comes into the world kicking and screaming. However, one mother was faced with the unimaginable when her baby boy was born with medical complications that required him to be placed on a ventilator.

Doctors remove life support and family says farewell to newborn, then he starts breathing

Lisa Hough, a loving mother of three and grandmother of two, shared the story of her daughter Chelsea’s baby boy and the tough decision they had to make. Her grandson, Karson, was born with multiple medical issues, including a hemorrhage in the left temporal lobe and a rare genetic disorder called Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH).

His case was severe, and doctors predicted that Karson would be severely neurologically impaired, functioning at a 2-3 month old level for his entire life. Given this information, Chelsea made the incredibly difficult decision to take him off life support.

Lisa described the heartbreaking moment when they said their goodbyes to their little one. They were given only 10 minutes after withdrawing intensive care and the ventilator, with the expectation that Karson would not breathe on his own and that his heart would stop within that time. But, against all odds, a miracle unfolded before their eyes.

“God had other plans,” Lisa said. “He immediately started breathing on his own once the ventilator was removed. His heart rate and oxygen stabilized. Here we are, 5 hours later, with this miracle baby that we were told would never breathe, swallow, have gag reflexes, or even survive. He is breathing unassisted. He is swallowing. He is surviving. This little fighter has even opened his eyes a couple of times today.”

Karson’s doctors were astounded and had no explanation for this miraculous turn of events. There is no medical or scientific data to support what happened. It can only be described as a true miracle.

On March 1, Lisa and her family received the joyous news that their tiny bundle of joy would be coming home that week. Every day, Lisa is reminded of the power of faith and gratitude. She knows that they are blessed to have Karson, even if they don’t know how long they will have him. They will cherish every precious moment with him.

From the very first post, commenters were overwhelmingly supportive of Karson’s journey. They celebrated his survival, with over 30,000 reactions to the announcement that he had not only survived but was also thriving.

We wish this beautiful family all the health and happiness now that they have their miracle baby home.