As we gear up for the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, let’s take a moment to address an important concern raised by experts – the potential driving risks that eclipses present. It may come as a surprise, but the 2017 solar eclipse revealed a troubling increase in fatal car accidents during similar celestial events.
According to a comprehensive study conducted by the Universities of British Columbia and Toronto, the approaching eclipse could lead to a significant rise in traffic fatalities. Dr. Donald Redelmeier, one of the study’s authors, explains that the increased risks stem from various factors such as increased traffic, drivers traveling on unfamiliar routes, speeding, driver distraction due to the celestial event, and even drug or alcohol impairment. It’s a wide range of factors, but the numbers speak for themselves.
To prevent potential disasters on the road, Dr. John Staples, a clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia, urges drivers to take proactive measures. This includes respecting speed limits, minimizing distractions, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, wearing seatbelts, and never driving under the influence.
It’s important to note that the increase in fatal crashes is not directly related to the darkness caused by the solar eclipse. Dr. Redelmeier clarifies that the problem lies in the hours surrounding the event, as people travel to their observation spots and especially afterwards. Just like a road trip on New Year’s Eve, people tend to let loose, party, and behave unusually.
By analyzing data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, Redelmeier and Staples observed a clear temporal pattern. Fatal crash rates rose before the eclipse, decreased during the event, and then spiked to nearly 50% above average after the eclipse.
To ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road, it’s crucial to embrace standard safety measures. Obey speed limits, minimize distractions while driving, use your turn signals (yes, BMW drivers, this applies to you all the time), make safe lane changes, and above all, wear your seatbelt.
As the solar eclipse approaches, let’s remember the lessons from the past. Plan your journey with extra caution, avoid distractions, and adhere to road safety protocols. We can prevent tragedy and enjoy the solar eclipse as the awe-inspiring spectacle it is meant to be, rather than be shocked by unfortunate incidents. Stay safe out there!