Movie Star Faces 250 Years in Prison for Vile Sex Crimes

Former adult film star Ron Jeremy is now facing the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison. If convicted of the heinous sex crimes he is accused of, he could be sentenced to up to 250 years behind bars. The charges against Jeremy include rape and sexual assault, with multiple women, some as young as fifteen, coming forward with allegations against him.

Ron Jeremy

Earlier this year, police officers searched Jeremy’s home, which was infested with cockroaches, in search of evidence to support the claims made by the victims. They were specifically looking for handwritten notes that had been mentioned by the accusers. These notes included phrases like “Don’t take women into bathrooms” and “he made me squirt.” The search warrant was issued after a judge deemed it necessary to search Jeremy’s property for evidence of the crimes.

During the search, the police also looked for photographs of Jeremy’s alleged victims and extensively inspected his computers and cell phones for any incriminating evidence. Detective Kevin Hom of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department stated in the warrant that the search was crucial to finding evidence that a felony had been committed and to determine the involvement of a particular person.

This is not the first time Ron Jeremy has faced allegations of sexual assault and rape. However, on Monday, August 31, a new set of charges was brought against him, including five counts of forcible rape, three counts of forcible oral copulation, six counts of sexual battery by restraint, and lewd conduct with a minor. In total, he now faces twenty-eight counts of sexual violence in Los Angeles county.

If convicted on all charges, Jeremy could potentially spend the next 250 years of his life behind bars. However, he maintains his innocence and expressed gratitude to his supporters on Twitter, stating, “I am innocent of all charges. I can’t wait to prove my innocence in court! Thank you to everyone for all the support.”

Detective Hom’s search warrant mentioned specific handwritten notes that the police were searching for, including one that advised against taking women into bathrooms and instead, treating them to a nice hotel to avoid any discomfort. Additionally, they were looking for a note from a particular woman claiming, “He made me squirt.”

Apart from the notes, the police were also determined to find photographs of two victims, whose identities remain confidential for their protection. The warrant specified the need for “hardcopy photographs” and also the search of computers, cell phones, and digital photos containing images of the victims.

One woman who had visited Ron Jeremy’s apartment in 2017 was so appalled by its condition that she took photos and sold them to Daily Mail. She had expected better from a renowned adult film star like Jeremy, but what she found was a complete mess. The apartment was like a trash heap, a true reflection of the man’s character.

“It was disgusting,” she said. “You could hardly open the front door, and the bathroom was completely inaccessible. Trash was piled up everywhere, and overflowing boxes were filled with old porn memorabilia. His kitchen table looked like it belonged outside, with plants growing around it. I honestly thought he belonged on the show ‘Hoarders.’ There were cans of roach spray, piles of medication, books, DVDs, paperwork, and even pet turtles.”

The case against Ron Jeremy is ongoing, and as it progresses through the justice system, the truth about the allegations will hopefully be revealed.