An Inspiring Update on Jameela, the Prematurely Born Gorilla

In February, we shared the incredible story of Jameela, a baby gorilla who was born prematurely via a rare c-section. However, after Jameela was delivered, her mother, Sekani, rejected her, leaving the Fort Worth Zoo team searching for a proper surrogate. Today, we have an inspiring update to share about this little gorilla’s journey.

Jameela, a prematurely born gorilla, found a loving surrogate mom after being rejected

Born against all odds

Jameela’s birth was not without its challenges. Her mother, Sekani, developed a serious blood-pressure condition called preeclampsia, putting both their lives at risk. The zoo made the life-saving decision to proceed with an emergency c-section.

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C-sections are common in human births but rarely performed on gorillas. Thanks to the expertise of Dr. Jamie Walker Erwin, a local obstetrician and gynecologist, the surgery was a success. However, Jameela was born premature, requiring immediate medical attention to stabilize her.

Finding the right surrogate

During the first few weeks of Jameela’s life, the dedicated team provided round-the-clock care and monitored her health closely. Jameela’s condition eventually stabilized, and the team decided on her name – Jameela, meaning “beautiful” in Swahili, as a tribute to Dr. Jamie Erwin.

The next challenge was finding a surrogate mother for Jameela. Reuniting her with Sekani did not result in the desired connection, possibly due to the lack of hormonal cues from a natural birth. The team then attempted to introduce Jameela to another female gorilla, Gracie, but this also proved unsuccessful.

A decision was made to transfer Jameela to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, where she had the opportunity to be adopted by a female gorilla who could provide the love and care she needed.

A heartwarming bond

Last week, Jameela arrived at her new home, and the transfer has proven successful. The introductions with the gorillas at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo went smoothly, and Freddy, a proven surrogate, has shown interest in becoming Jameela’s new mom.

The bond between Freddy and Jameela is both heartwarming and promising. Freddy immediately picked Jameela up, showing how eager she is to embrace her new role. The Fort Worth Zoo team is thrilled that Jameela has found a loving surrogate mother and can finally experience proper gorilla care.

A happy ending

Jameela’s first few weeks of life were filled with uncertainty and complications, but now she is in good hands. The love and care provided by Freddy have brought great relief to the zoo team, knowing that Jameela is finally thriving in the presence of a surrogate mother.

We are overjoyed to share this inspiring update about Jameela’s journey. Despite the challenges she faced, this little gorilla has found a wonderful new home and a surrogate mom who wholeheartedly accepts her. Please share this heartwarming story and spread the joy! ❤️