Goldie Hawn, known for her incredible Hollywood career, has also been a dedicated mother to her children. But recently, her son Oliver Hudson revealed some of the challenges he faced while growing up with a busy mom. Let’s dive into Oliver’s story and understand his perspective on his childhood.
Oliver expressed his own perception as a child who needed his mother to be present but sometimes felt let down. Despite the challenges, he acknowledges that Goldie Hawn was an amazing mother and emphasizes that this is simply his childhood perspective.
In a recent podcast episode, Oliver Hudson spoke about his experience with the Hoffman Institute, a program that helps individuals unpack family dynamics and build emotional strength. During the conversation, he reflected on the impact his mother’s busy schedule had on him during his childhood. Oliver shared, “My mother was my primary caregiver, but there were times when I felt unprotected. She had new boyfriends that I didn’t really like, and she had her own life to live.”
The session at the Hoffman Institute allowed Oliver to gain a deeper understanding of his mother’s efforts while he was growing up. He now appreciates the complexities of their relationship and acknowledges the positive impact Goldie and her partner, Kurt Russell, have had on shaping his worldview.
However, Oliver clarifies that his comments about his childhood were taken out of context. On his podcast “Sibling Rivalry,” which he co-hosts with his sister Kate Hudson, he explains that his words were misinterpreted. He says, “Everything is taken so far out of context. If you listen to the whole thing, it’s more about my feelings as a child in that moment rather than how I feel about Mom as a parent.” Oliver emphasizes the deep love, respect, and reverence he has for his 78-year-old mother.
Kate also chimes in, recognizing that the use of certain words in Oliver’s comments caused the misinterpretation. She jokes, “I can’t leave my brother alone for a second.” Oliver agrees and admits that using the word “trauma” might have distorted the true intent of his words. He clarifies, “There was no trauma coming from my mother, the way she raised me, in any way whatsoever. You’re speaking from a 5, 6-year-old perspective – that’s what I was doing. Without her, again, I’d be nothing.” To lighten the mood, he concludes jokingly, “In retrospect, I’m just gonna shut the f**k up from now on.”
Oliver has always spoken highly of his mother and Kurt Russell. He recalls Kurt’s advice during a difficult period in his acting career, “Don’t give a s**t what people think, how you look, all the stuff, you just do you.” Oliver recognizes the wisdom in this advice and appreciates the freedom it brings.