Ryder, the Brave Little Fighter

Little Ryder Wells, at just five years old, has gone through more horror than most people experience in a lifetime. Despite this, he continues to fight and shows the world what true strength looks like.

In 2015, during a visit to family for Thanksgiving, Ryder was brutally attacked by two rottweilers. At the tender age of 21 months, he endured a horrific ordeal. He lost half of his face, his teeth were crushed, and he suffered a broken arm and punctured lung. It seemed impossible that he would survive, but against all odds, Ryder did.

Since then, Ryder has undergone around 50 surgeries. He has faced incredible challenges yet remains resilient. However, instead of receiving admiration and support for his incredible bravery, Ryder now has to endure cruel comments from both children and adults.

His mother, Brittany, shared heart-wrenching incidents where children would call Ryder a “monster” and adults would stare at him. They even encountered someone shouting “ew” at him while out shopping. It is devastating for a parent to witness, knowing that their child has already been through so much pain.

But Ryder is a true fighter. He refuses to let anything hold him back. His survival is nothing short of a miracle, given that even the doctors didn’t expect him to make it. Now, as Ryder prepares to start school, Brittany is understandably anxious and fearful of how others will treat him.

Despite his fears, Brittany reassures Ryder every day that he is beautiful and unique. She wants him to know that being different is not only okay but also something to be celebrated. She hopes that, in sharing Ryder’s story, people will think twice before judging others based on their appearance.

Ryder with his mom

The effects of bullying on someone with a facial disfigurement are profound, and Brittany wants to raise awareness around this issue. She believes that we must teach our kids not to single out those who look different and to be kind and accepting of everyone. It is through our collective efforts that children like Ryder can experience the happy lives they deserve.

So, let us come together and show our love and support for this brave little boy. Share this story to spread the message that beauty is not defined by appearances and that everyone deserves kindness and acceptance, no matter how they look.