The Incredible Journey of Adriana Iliescu: Becoming a Mother at 66

Woman becomes mom at 66: Inside her struggles with social rejection, baby was called 'product of dark force'

Becoming a parent is a monumental moment that stays with you forever. Suddenly, there is a tiny, dependent individual in your life, and it becomes your mission to provide the best possible conditions for their growth and happiness. Imagine the surprise when Adriana Iliescu, at the age of 66, made headlines around the world for becoming a mother for the first time in 2005. Her daughter Eliza brought infinite joy into her life, and 17 years later, they continue to capture attention with their heartwarming story.

There are moments in life that change everything, and becoming a parent is one of them. Every parent can attest to the indescribable feeling of looking into their child’s eyes for the first time. It’s a feeling that trumps all others and fills your heart with love. Some children are born into the history books, and that’s precisely what happened to Eliza Iliescu when she entered the world in 2005. Thanks to her mother, she became a part of history.

Adriana Iliescu made waves as the world’s oldest mother at the age of 66, earning a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. Naturally, her unique journey garnered attention, but it also brought criticism. People questioned her motives and deemed her too old and selfish. Adriana, however, dismissed these opinions, stating that she feels vibrant and full of energy, comparing herself to a young woman in her late twenties or early thirties.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Adriana mentioned her plans to have another child, citing that it is medically possible, especially with ongoing trials involving a 70-year-old woman in England. However, she emphasized that she is in no rush and will take her time to make such a decision.

Despite the opinions and judgments surrounding Adriana’s age, she remains adamant about being a good parent and doing everything she can for Eliza. Adriana does not smoke or drink, and she believes that, if she lives as long as her parents, she will have ample time to continue supporting and providing for her daughter.

Adriana’s journey to parenthood was not a straightforward one. When she was young and newlywed, having a child was not on her radar. It was only after completing her doctorate at the age of 37 that she felt ready, but IVF was not yet available. It wasn’t until she turned 57 that she had the opportunity to undergo in-vitro fertilization. Unfortunately, her first pregnancy in 2000 ended in failure.

Undeterred, Adriana persisted and sought treatment from Dr. Bogdan Marinescu in Bucharest, which eventually led to Eliza’s birth. Despite the loss of two of the triplets she carried, Adriana considered Eliza her miracle. However, even in moments of joy, she faced adversity. When it came time to baptize Eliza, religious organizations expressed their disapproval, with one nun going as far as calling Eliza “the product of dark force.” Undeterred, Adriana relied on her faith and considered Eliza a gift from God.

Today, 17 years after becoming a mother, Adriana Iliescu continues to live a fulfilling life. At the age of 83, she dedicates her time to writing children’s books and works as a part-time lecturer in Bucharest. Despite her age, she remains healthy and vibrant, defying the expectations associated with great-grandmothers. Adriana has also taken steps to secure Eliza’s future by making a deal with her IVF doctor, who will be both Eliza’s godfather and legal guardian if Adriana passes away.

Adriana prefers to keep her family life private for now, but it is known that Eliza, now 17 years old, aspires to study and attend college. In fact, she already shines as an award-winning student and follows in her mother’s academic footsteps.

While Adriana faced social rejection and criticism for her late motherhood, her commitment and love for Eliza have shone through. She proves that age is just a number and that being a devoted parent knows no bounds. Eliza, a happy and well-rounded young woman, is a testament to Adriana’s unwavering dedication.

Adriana and Eliza