Rhea Perlman: A Life of Love and Laughter

Rhea Perlman, the renowned American actress, author, and producer, is about to celebrate her 75th birthday. She has had an illustrious career in Hollywood, starring in popular movies like “Matilda,” “Pom,” “The Sessions,” “Canadian Bacon,” and “Sunset Park.” Nevertheless, her most iconic role to date is that of Carla Tortelli in the beloved sitcom “Cheers,” for which she won four Emmys.

In real life, Rhea is quite the opposite of her tough onscreen characters. While Carla Tortelli may have been a hard-edged woman, Rhea is described as sweet and elegant. People are often surprised when they meet her, expecting a tough cookie, but she proves them wrong with her warm personality.

The "Cheers" Cast | Source: Getty Images

Rhea attributes much of her success as an actress to the role of Carla Tortelli. She says that “Cheers” jumpstarted her career and considers it the best job she’s ever had. She fondly reminisces about the show, expressing her desire for it to continue indefinitely.

On a personal note, Rhea has been married to Danny DeVito for 40 years, despite two periods of separation. Although they are no longer romantically involved, they remain close friends and co-parents. Rhea values family above all else, saying, “If my relationships with my children were strained, I would be beside myself.”

Rhea’s charming beach home in Malibu, Los Angeles, reflects her relaxed, artistic lifestyle. The design, conceived by Carter’s Design led by Genevieve Carter, emphasizes a meditative and warm environment, perfect for nurturing creativity. The house is adorned with artwork by her daughter, Gracie, adding a personal touch.

In her downtime, Rhea enjoys cooking, gardening, and spending time with her rescue dog, Zorro. She frequently shares glimpses of her life on social media, offering fans a peek into her joyful world.

As she approaches her 75th birthday, Rhea looks forward to new adventures. She has a passion for travel and hopes to visit places like Japan, South America, and Australia. Despite the ups and downs of life, Rhea remains positive, cherishing the relationships she has built and the love she shares with her family.

Rhea Perlman’s journey is a testament to the power of love, laughter, and finding joy in the simple things. Her vivacious spirit and enduring talent continue to inspire and bring smiles to audiences worldwide.