Hoda Kotb, the beloved host of the Today Show, recently opened up about her youngest daughter’s health battle and how their family is coping. Last year, Kotb had to take a break from the anchor desk for two weeks while her daughter, Hope, was cared for in the ICU. While Kotb is keeping the specifics of Hope’s health issues private, she revealed in an interview with People that it’s still a day-to-day battle for her little girl.
“It was a scary time for us. As a parent, it’s devastating to see your child go through something like this,” Kotb shared. “You feel helpless, and you wish you could take away their pain. It’s a position I never thought I would find myself in.”
Although Hope has made progress and is now leading a somewhat normal life, Kotb and her doctors continue to manage her health every day. They have hired extra help to ensure that Hope’s well-being is their top priority. But Kotb also wants her daughter to have as normal a childhood as possible and not be labeled because of her health issues.
“It’s really tricky because I don’t want Hope to be treated differently. She’s a vibrant and smart kid who deserves to be seen for who she is,” Kotb explained. “Most days, everything is fine, and I don’t want people to look at her in a different way.”
As a devoted mother, Kotb admits that she has her own worries and concerns for her daughter’s health. She always stays vigilant, listening for any signs that something might be wrong. But she also realizes the importance of taking care of herself. She knows that she needs to recharge and take time for self-care.
To find solace and strength during this challenging time, Kotb has turned to her faith and has been teaching her daughters about God. She believes that Hope finds comfort in knowing that angels are always with her.
“I tell them that God is everywhere,” Kotb shared. “It has been helpful for Hope to have faith during this period in her life. She looks up sometimes and says, ‘Angels are here,’ and it’s the most beautiful moment.”
Although Hope’s health struggles are not over, Kotb firmly believes that her daughter’s battle will serve a purpose. She sees Hope as an incredible and resilient kid who is equipped to face any challenge life throws her way.
Kotb’s story is a reminder of the strength and determination of mothers who go through difficult times with their children. It’s a testament to the power of love and faith in helping families overcome even the toughest obstacles.
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