The Tragic Consequences of Chroming: A Deadly Trend Taking Young Lives

Australia’s Ally Langdon, a mother herself, was deeply moved when she spoke with Andrea and Paul Haynes, parents who had to make the heartbreaking decision to end the life of their 13-year-old daughter, Esra. Esra fell victim to a viral craze known as chroming, where inhaling toxic chemicals through the mouth or nose is used to achieve a high. The pain in their hearts was visible as they shared their devastating story on a recent episode of A Current Affair.

Esra was a vibrant and talented young girl, known for her determination, sense of fun, and athleticism. She co-captained the Montrose Football Netball Club and excelled in BMX racing and aerobics. Tragically, on March 31, during a sleepover at a friend’s house, Esra sniffed a can of aerosol deodorant, leading to cardiac arrest and irreparable brain damage.

Andrea and Paul received the call that no parent ever wants to receive: “Come and get your daughter.” Esra’s friends initially believed she was having a panic attack, unaware of the grave danger she was in. When Andrea arrived, paramedics were desperately trying to revive Esra and informed her mother about chroming—a term Andrea had never heard before.

For eight agonizing days, the Haynes family clung to hope, but ultimately, they were told that Esra’s brain damage was beyond repair. They had to make the unimaginable decision to turn off life support. The pain in their voices was palpable as they described the difficulty of saying their final goodbyes, cuddling Esra until the end.

As a mother of two young children herself, Langdon found it impossible to contain her emotions during the interview. She, too, was overwhelmed by the immense heartache that the Haynes family was experiencing.

The loss of Esra has shattered the family and deeply impacted their community. Paul and Andrea are determined to bring awareness to chroming and its deadly consequences. Chroming, which can involve using easily accessible products like deodorant, paint, hairspray, or even permanent markers, has claimed the lives of several children in Australia and around the world.

Paul regrets not knowing about chroming while Esra was still alive. He believes that education is key in preventing more tragedies. He urges parents to have open and gentle conversations with their children, providing them with firsthand information and advice rather than relying on friends or social media.

Since 2009, chroming has led to the death of multiple children. This dangerous trend can result in seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, sudden sniffing death syndrome, coma, and organ failure. It offers young people a quick, short-term high, but the risks are far too great.

The pain of losing Esra will forever haunt the Haynes family. They, along with countless other grieving families, want to spare others from this tragic fate. By sharing their story and raising awareness, they hope to educate parents and save more lives.

Let us stand together with the Haynes family and all others affected by chroming. Share this story far and wide, spreading awareness of the dangers of this fatal trend. Together, we can help parents protect their children and prevent further heartbreak.