Candace Cameron Bure, known for her role in the beloved show “Full House,” has recently made an exciting decision regarding her acting career. After 14 years of working with Hallmark Channel on various projects, including their popular Christmas movies, Cameron Bure has decided to move on to a new opportunity. But fear not, she is not retiring! At 46 years old, she is eager to take on new challenges and bring her talents to a different company.
Cameron Bure will now be joining GAC, which stands for Great American Channels. Formerly known as Great American Country, GAC is a network that currently airs both “Full House” and its reboot, “Fuller House.” The familiarity and connection with the network made it an appealing choice for Cameron Bure.
In her new role at GAC, Cameron Bure will not only be acting but also creating content. She will be starring in and developing heartwarming, family-friendly programming that aligns with her values and the kind of stories she loves to watch with her own family. This includes creating seasonal content, and we can’t help but wonder if there will be more Christmas movies in her future.
Cameron Bure shared her excitement about the move, expressing how well GAC aligns with her brand. She is passionate about inspiring people to live with purpose, and she believes that GAC shares that vision. Together, they aim to create compelling and wholesome content that the whole family can enjoy. Quality entertainment with a positive message is what defines her partnership with GAC.
It’s not just Cameron Bure who has made the move to GAC. Other long-time actresses from Hallmark Channel have also found a new home at GAC, showcasing the network’s growing appeal and success. To learn more about Cameron Bure’s transition and the experiences of other Hallmark Channel actresses, check out the video below.