Michael Strahan’s Daughter Opens Up About Her Recovery After Brain Surgery

Isabella Strahan, the 19-year-old daughter of Good Morning America host Michael Strahan, recently underwent brain surgery to remove a rare and fast-growing tumor. In a series of YouTube videos, Isabella shared her journey of recovery and the challenges she faced.

Isabella first noticed something was wrong when she started experiencing excruciating headaches and vomiting every morning. After being diagnosed with medulloblastoma, she underwent emergency surgery to remove the 4cm tumor. Following the surgery, Isabella spent a grueling month in rehab, where she had to re-learn how to walk.

In her videos, Isabella candidly shared the brutal reality of her surgery and the side effects she experienced. She used a walker and wheelchair to get around, and the steroids she was taking made her very emotional. Isabella also opened up about the egg freezing process she had to undergo due to the potential effects of radiation and chemotherapy on her fertility.

Despite facing six months of chemotherapy, Isabella remains positive and hopeful about the future. She is grateful for the support of her family, the comfort of homecooked meals, and the company of her dogs. Isabella also expressed her eagerness to return to normal life and eventually go back to college.

Isabella’s doctor, Dr. David Ashley, appeared on Good Morning America to discuss her prognosis. He explained that while Isabella’s tumor was rare, her prognosis was good, with a 90% plus survival rate beyond five years for her specific subtype of medulloblastoma.

Through her journey, Isabella has shown incredible strength and resilience. She is determined to overcome the challenges and inspire others with her story. Isabella’s positive attitude and the support of her loved ones will undoubtedly play a significant role in her recovery.

You can watch Isabella’s videos on her YouTube channel to learn more about her journey and follow her progress.