Wendy Williams Diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia

It was recently announced by Wendy Williams’ health team that she has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This diagnosis comes with devastating news, as FTD does not currently have any cure. Wendy Williams, the beloved talk show host, faces a drastic reduction in her life expectancy due to this condition.

Dr. Allison Reiss, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine and a member of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s Medical, Scientific, and Memory Screening Advisory Board, commented on Wendy Williams’ prognosis. Dr. Reiss explained that the cause of FTD is still unknown, but it tends to affect younger individuals compared to Alzheimer’s disease.

Interestingly, there is evidence suggesting a link between FTD and thyroid issues, which Wendy Williams has experienced in the past. Dr. Reiss pointed out that Wendy Williams’ history of thyroid problems is noticeable, particularly in her eyes, indicating a possible connection between her thyroid condition and FTD.

It is crucial to note that Dr. Reiss has not personally treated Wendy Williams and based her observations solely on watching the talk show host on television over the years. Dr. Reiss emphasized the importance of research and funding to gain a better understanding of FTD, highlighting how Bruce Willis’ diagnosis with the same disease has helped bring more attention to the condition.

Wendy Williams’ care team decided to disclose her diagnosis at this time to address inaccurate and hurtful rumors about her health. This revelation comes just before the release of the two-part documentary, “Where Is Wendy Williams?” which Wendy Williams herself executive produced. The documentary showcases moments where Wendy appears both coherent and visibly frazzled, highlighting the impact of the disease on her cognitive function.

According to Dr. Reiss, FTD is a fatal disorder that gradually erodes various aspects of a person’s life over a period of seven to nine years. Wendy Williams has already faced several health battles, including Graves’ disease, lymphedema, and alcohol addiction, which led her to seek treatment in 2023. When asked if her past addiction issues could have contributed to her FTD diagnosis, Dr. Reiss explained that while there may be environmental factors at play, the disease itself cannot be solely blamed on addiction. However, she mentioned that substance abuse can harm nerve cells, potentially hastening the onset of symptoms in individuals with FTD.

The Lifetime documentary trailer reveals alarming signs that Wendy Williams’ fans and viewers have noticed. Her physical appearance has changed, and her coherence seems to be diminishing. The documentary stresses the importance of love and support from the family, creating safe and comfortable environments for Wendy, and ensuring she knows she is loved.

This recent diagnosis is undoubtedly heartbreaking news for Wendy Williams and her fans. We send our well-wishes and support to Wendy during this challenging time. Let us spread awareness and understanding for Wendy and others facing similar struggles. Share this update with others who may be interested in learning about Wendy Williams’ journey with FTD.