Martha Stewart, the popular figure known for her home and garden expertise, recently found herself in hot water with fans over a seemingly innocent Instagram post. The 82-year-old uploaded a photo of herself enjoying a cocktail while on a cruise in Greenland. While it may have seemed harmless, some followers took offense to the fact that the drink contained a small iceberg.
In the comments section, numerous people expressed their concern, pointing out that the ice caps are melting and using an iceberg for a beverage seemed insensitive. One user wrote, “Martha, the ice caps are melting, don’t put them in your drink.” Another user commented, “Wealthy white people drinking their iceberg cocktails while the planet is in flames is a bit tone deaf.”
Martha Stewart gained praise earlier this year when she posed for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue at the age of 82. She shared her wellness routine, which included a clean diet, regular Pilates sessions, and a healthy skincare routine. Fans commended her for inspiring women of all ages to take care of themselves.
What do you think about Martha’s recent Instagram post? Let us know in the comments below.