Prince Harry Denied Heart-to-Heart with Father, King Charles

Prince Harry’s recent visit to the UK to see his father, King Charles, was met with disappointment as he was denied the opportunity for a heart-to-heart conversation. RadarOnline reports that Harry wanted to spend time with his father after flying in from the US, especially since it was their first face-to-face meeting since the passing of Queen Elizabeth. However, Charles’ aides cut the meeting short after just 30 minutes. This left Harry to find accommodation for the night in London, while Charles flew to the Sandringham estate.

Harry had intended to spend quality time with his dad during his visit, but he was advised to visit Clarence House, Charles’ London residence, upon his arrival in the country. Although Harry wanted to follow Charles to Sandringham and stay there for a few days, the King’s aides were concerned that his visit might extend indefinitely. An insider revealed, “The fear was that if he went to Sandringham, they would never get rid of him.”

Earlier this month, the shocking news of King Charles’ cancer diagnosis shocked royal fans worldwide. While undergoing treatment for an enlarged prostate, doctors discovered the cancer. However, the specific type and stage of the cancer have not been disclosed by the Palace. Charles has been shuttling between London and the Sandringham estate in Norfolk since the diagnosis. Interestingly, he was already scheduled to head to Sandringham when Harry expressed his desire to fly from the US to the UK.

Upon his arrival in London, Harry was advised not to go to Sandringham and instead go to Clarence House, where he would spend a limited amount of time with his father. It was after this short meeting that Charles headed to Sandringham, while Harry found overnight accommodation in London. Although Harry’s efforts in the UK did not lead to a thawing of relations with the rest of the Royal Family, he expressed his love for his family in an interview regarding Charles’ cancer diagnosis.