Queen Camilla Reacts to Prince Harry’s Rushed Return

Sensational reports have emerged, claiming that Queen Camilla was left furious by Prince Harry’s decision to hastily fly back to the UK upon hearing about his father’s cancer diagnosis, without seeking prior approval from the palace. RadarOnline, citing the National Enquirer, has shed light on the strained relationship between Camilla and her stepson, suggesting that she was responsible for the short duration of the meeting between Harry and Charles, their encounter lasting only thirty minutes.

Prince Harry received the news of Charles’s cancer diagnosis directly from his father before swiftly making his way back across the Atlantic. However, his return did not pave the way for any prospective reconciliation, as some had anticipated. The meeting between father and son was reportedly brief, with Charles being transported via helicopter to the royal estate of Sandringham, while Harry was allegedly not allowed to follow.

The content of their conversation remains undisclosed and is unlikely to be made public in the future. Similarly, details regarding Charles’s cancer have been withheld from the public eye. It is known that he is undergoing treatment, but few are privy to information about the type and stage of his illness.

Harry’s recent visit to the UK did not receive a warm reception from all members of the royal family. Speculation has been rife that Prince William had no intention of meeting his younger brother. In a report by RadarOnline, it is suggested that Queen Camilla was infuriated by her stepson’s actions.

According to a source cited by the National Enquirer, “Her Majesty was furious that Harry flew in from his luxurious California home without seeking palace approval—and he came with an attitude.” The same report claims that Harry insisted Camilla leave the room before he spoke to his father, an action that did not sit well with her.

“I’m told Camilla was outraged,” the source revealed. “She has endured a lot of criticism from Harry over the years and couldn’t wait to express her frustration.” The longstanding animosity between Harry and Camilla purportedly originates from his belief that she played a significant role in the breakdown of Charles’s marriage to Princess Diana.

“Camilla has dealt with it all, but Harry using his father’s cancer as a public relations maneuver to portray himself as a loving son was the last straw,” the source continued. “After the reunion with his father, I hear she told Harry that he is a disgrace to his father, the family, and the monarchy—and she left no doubt that he is not welcome back!”

What are your thoughts on the alleged tension between Queen Camilla and Prince Harry? Let us know in the comments!