The Rarity and Beauty of Twins

Did you know that the likelihood of conceiving twins has increased by 72% between 1980 and 2018? However, twins are still quite rare, with only around 33 out of every 1,000 births resulting in twins[^1^].
But have you ever wondered how probable it is to have identical twins? Surprisingly, there are only about three or four sets of identical twins for every 1,000 births[^1^]. That shows just how specia

l and extraordinary they are.
One such incredible story is that of Savannah Combs, a 23-year-old woman, who discovered that she was expecting twins. However, what made her situation even more exceptional was that both of her twins had Down syndrome[^2^]. But instead of feeling overwhelmed, Savannah found great value and joy in her little gems.
Savannah, a native of Middleburg, Florida, decided to document her postpartum journey with her twins, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, on TikTok[^2^]. Little did she know that her videos would quickly gain popularity and touch the hearts of many.
In one of her videos, Savannah shared that she was advised to consider aborting her children due to their prognosis. However, she made the brave choice to keep them and give them a chance at life[^2^]. Every prenatal appointment filled her with gratitude and appreciation for the blessing of having her twins with her.

The twins were born prematurely, at 29 weeks, and had to spend a few weeks in the NICU before going home[^2^]. They were classified as mono di twins, meaning they had their own sacs but shared the same placenta, making them identical[^2^]. The rarity continued to unfold as Down syndrome was added to the mix, making them even more unique, with only one in two million having both conditions[^2^].
But despite their rare condition, Savannah sees her twins as any other children, deserving of love, support, and the opportunity to reach their milestones just like everyone else[^2^]. She shares their adorable updates on TikTok, celebrating their accomplishments and proving that they are capable of achieving anything with determination.

Unfortunately, Savannah has also had to deal with criticism and insensitivity from some people on social media[^2^]. However, she has responded with grace and strength, reminding them that her babies are perfect as they are and that they were given to the right parents who will love them unconditionally[^2^].
Let’s spread the word about this heartwarming story, celebrating the beauty of these girls and the love and kindness that defines their family.