Prince Harry in London

First photos of Meghan Markle since Prince Harry visited King Charles spark debate

There’s been quite a lot going on in the royal family recently, with some unexpected health issues popping up.
On January 16, Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales and wife of Prince William, had a planned surgery and has been recovering at Adelaide Cottage. She won’t be returning to her duties until after Easter, and Prince William has cleared his schedule to take care of her.
Shortly after that, King Charles III, the monarch of the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with cancer and began treatment. This news shocked everyone, but it also brought Prince Harry back to London to be with his father. However, his wife, Meghan Markle, faced criticism after some photos of her first public appearance since Harry left were shared online.

Many people were hoping that Prince Harry’s visit to his father during this difficult time might help repair some of the strained relationships caused by his and Meghan’s criticisms of the Royal Family. According to OK! Magazine, Harry flew to London as soon as he heard the news and went straight to Clarence House for a meeting with his father. The meeting was short, only about an hour, because King Charles was exhausted from his treatment, as revealed by Royal Editor Roya Nikkah. It’s not surprising that Harry and his brother William didn’t meet, given their recent strained relationship.

While Harry was in London, Meghan Markle made her first public appearance since his departure. She was seen driving around Montecito, wearing a casual outfit with sunglasses and a baseball cap, and holding a coffee mug. People had mixed reactions to her outing, with some questioning why she chose to go out while Harry was away. Others called it predictable and pathetic. There were also comments about her smiling and whether it was a cover-up for the short duration of Harry’s visit. However, there were also defenders of Meghan who commended Harry for visiting his father during such a difficult time.
Grant Harrold, the former butler of King Charles III, spoke up in defense of Meghan, saying that she may have felt it was important for Harry to be alone during this visit. He also suggested that Meghan might visit her father-in-law in the future, but right now, her focus was on their children. Meghan has spoken positively about Charles in the past, acknowledging his kindness during their wedding when he walked her down the aisle in place of her own father.
While King Charles’ cancer diagnosis is undoubtedly a sad moment for the royal family, many are hoping that it can also serve as an opportunity for reconciliation.
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