Candace Owens Criticizes Taylor Swift’s Feminism

During a recent “Backstage” event for DailyWire+ subscribers, podcast host Candace Owens shared her thoughts on Taylor Swift, referring to her as “the most toxic feminist that’s ever existed.” Owens criticized Swift for what she perceives as manipulative tactics in both her business dealings and her music.

Owens pointed out that Swift has a tendency to use her songs as a form of revenge against people or companies who don’t give her what she wants. She claims that Swift drops little clues in her lyrics, which thousands of young fans then dissect and analyze. Owens believes that this behavior is “totally psychotic.”

One example Owens gave was the controversy surrounding music executive Scooter Braun. When Braun legally purchased Swift’s catalog of music, she expressed her disapproval, leading to a backlash against Braun and even threats towards his family. Owens found this behavior troubling, especially considering that Braun had only owned the catalog for a short period before selling it to someone else.

Owens also criticized Swift’s brand of feminism, which she calls “toxic feminism.” According to Owens, Swift and others like her use their status as victims to manipulate and gain sympathy from the public. Owens even compared Swift’s approach to feminism to that of Lena Dunham, saying that they both exploit the idea of victimhood to further their own success.

While Owens’ comments sparked some debate among the podcast hosts, she stood by her statement, emphasizing that Swift’s success has been built on portraying herself as a victim and using feminism as a tool for personal gain.

To watch Candace Owens’ full remarks on Taylor Swift, click