Good Deed In a Parking Lot

It’s not every day that you hear about strangers doing something nice for each other. But sometimes, a small act of kindness can restore our faith in humanity.

Imgur user Pemu recently shared a heartwarming story on the platform. Her friend had received a parking penalty because someone else had parked in her reserved spot. Frustrated, she decided to take matters into her own hands and wrote an angry note to the stranger.

The note read, “Hey Stranger, Because you were parked in my spot last night (and still are??), I got a ticket for street parking overnight without a permit. I’m broke. These are privately owned spots, and I could have you ticketed + towed. I won’t, but please don’t park in my spot again.”

To her surprise, the next day she found an envelope under her windshield wiper. And what she discovered inside left her astounded. The stranger had not only written a letter of apology but also enclosed $100 in cash.

The letter read, “First, I would like to apologize for parking in your spot. It was irresponsible on my part, and I would like to give this to you to pay for the ticket and whatever else you need. It can be tough around this time of year. Merry Christmas – the a**hole who parked in your spot.”

This heartwarming story shows that even in frustrating situations, there is kindness to be found. It reminds us that a small act of compassion can go a long way in making someone’s day a little bit better.

So the next time you find yourself faced with a frustrating situation, whether it’s a parking issue or something else entirely, remember this story. Remember that there is always hope for humanity, and that a friendly approach can sometimes yield surprising results.