Entitled Mom Demands Free Board Game from Publisher – the Audacity!

We all know those stories of entitled people who think they can get anything they want for free, but sometimes the audacity still surprises us. Recently, a board game publisher had an encounter with a self-proclaimed single mother that fits right into this category.

The board game publisher was approached by a “single mother” who wanted her idea brought to life for free

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

While the man first responded with helpful and respectful responses, it was soon clear that woman was having none of it. She insisted on having her idea brought to life for free. When the woman flipped the ‘single mother’ card, the man lost it and decided to punch back, so to speak.

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

The woman approached the board game publisher with an idea for her own game. At first, it might seem like a reasonable request. However, things took a turn when she insisted that the entire process – from design to manufacturing to publishing – be done for free. Yes, you read that correctly. She expected everything to be done without her having to spend a single penny.

The board game publisher initially responded with helpful and respectful replies, but it quickly became clear that the woman was not interested in anything except getting her idea brought to life for free. When she played the “single mother” card, the man couldn’t hold back and gave a strong response.

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

The Frustration with Entitlement

The board game publisher, who has been in the industry for over 20 years, was taken aback by the woman’s entitled attitude. He explained, “Normally, I’ve tried not to quash anyone’s aspirations and have helped a lot of toy/game people over the years. But this exchange left me flabbergasted. Her unwillingness (and delusional) attitude rubbed me raw.”

This encounter highlights a common issue faced by many creators – the misconception that ideas alone hold value. The reality is that bringing an idea to life requires tremendous effort and dedication. It often involves years of hard work, research, and investment. Simply expecting someone to do it all for free is unrealistic and unfair.

The Power of Perseverance

In response to the viral post on Reddit, many people shared their own experiences and words of encouragement. One person shared their journey of developing a board game, emphasizing the immense dedication and time required. Others suggested using crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter to secure financing for such projects.

Support poured in for the board game publisher, applauding his sensible approach and perseverance. It’s clear that success in any creative endeavor requires both hard work and a realistic mindset.

Board Game Publisher Shares Awkward Conversation With An Entitled Mom That Wants Things For Free

One user even shared their personal story of overcoming challenges as a single mother, underscoring the importance of personal responsibility and resilience in difficult situations. This serves as a reminder that not all single parents resort to entitlement and that many face adversity with grace and dignity.

Empathy without Exploitation

While empathy and support are important, it’s crucial to draw the line when faced with entitlement. There are limits to what can be expected or demanded from others, regardless of personal circumstances. Recognizing the difference between genuine need and unreasonable entitlement is key to fostering understanding and respect for everyone involved.

In a world where entitlement seems to reign, it’s heartening to see the collective support for fairness and hard work. The story serves as a reminder that success is earned through effort, and expecting things for free only undermines the value of dedication and perseverance.