The Lesson from the Egg Seller

Let me share with you a heartwarming story about an old man who sold eggs on the street. This tale holds a valuable lesson for all of us, regardless of our age.

One day, a woman pulled up in her car and approached the old man. Curious about his prices, she asked, “How much do you sell your eggs for?”

The old salesman replied with a warm smile, “They are $0.50 each, ma’am.”

The woman contemplated for a moment and said, “I’ll take 6 eggs for $2.50, or else I’m leaving.”

The old seller, with grace in his eyes, responded, “Buy them at the price that suits you, ma’am. Maybe this sale will be a good start for me, as I haven’t sold a single egg today, and I need to make a living.”

The woman bought her eggs at her preferred price and drove away with a sense of victory.

Little did she know what was about to unfold.

Later that day, the woman and her friend arrived at an elegant restaurant. They ordered their desired dishes and enjoyed a bit of their meal. However, they left behind a significant portion of what they had asked for. When it came time to pay the bill, it amounted to $400.

To their surprise, the ladies handed the restaurant owner $500, asking him to keep the extra money as a tip.

This story may seem ordinary to the owner of the luxurious restaurant, but it highlights a deep-seated unfairness towards the humble egg seller.

Now, let’s reflect on the essence of this story.

Why is it that we often exert our power when dealing with the less fortunate? And why are we extraordinarily generous with those who may not even need our generosity?

It reminds me of a quote I once read:
“My father used to buy simple goods from poor people at great prices, even if he didn’t need them. Sometimes he paid more than their worth. I wondered about this and asked him why he did it. His response was profound – ‘it’s an act of charity wrapped with dignity.’ Spend money to build character, but never compromise your character to make money.”

Let us remember this powerful lesson and strive to treat everyone we encounter with kindness and fairness, regardless of their social standing or economic circumstances.