Johnny Depp, the beloved Hollywood A-lister, faced a tumultuous legal battle with his ex-wife Amber Heard, which took a toll on his career. The highly-publicized case grabbed the attention of people worldwide for a staggering six weeks during the spring of 2022. However, the spectacle finally came to an end with a $10.35 million judgment in Depp’s favor, while Heard received $2 million in her countersuit.
After the chaotic legal proceedings, Amber Heard decided to take a break in Spain to find solace and decompress from the ordeal. It appears that she has discovered a secure residence beyond the borders of the United States.
Their relationship, which lasted nearly seven years, including a two-year marriage, unraveled in court as both Depp and Heard made alleged claims and counterclaims against each other. Eventually, the ruling sided with Depp, leading to implications that Heard’s accusations of abuse against him were called into question.
In 2018, Heard penned an essay in the Washington Post where she referenced “sexual violence” and “domestic abuse,” without explicitly naming Depp. However, he argued that his reputation had been tarnished as a consequence.
Depp, now 59, filed a $50 million lawsuit against Heard, claiming that her fabricated abuse allegations were a ploy to extort more money from him during their divorce settlement. One year later, in 2020, Heard countersued for a staggering $100 million.
Ultimately, the jury unanimously deemed Heard’s allegations of abuse unsubstantiated. Moreover, they determined that she had written the op-ed piece with actual malice, resulting in a defamation suit. Depp was awarded $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. Heard, on the other hand, received $2 million in compensatory damages but did not receive any punitive damages.
Following the trial, Heard, known for her role in Aquaman, chose to withdraw from the public eye. She faced death threats and became the target of cruel internet memes, leaving her feeling overwhelmed by the chaos that surrounded her in the United States. As reported by the Daily Mail in May 2023, Heard, now 37, made the decision to relocate to Europe.
According to an article by Alison Boshoff, Heard moved to Spain with her young daughter, Oonagh. Boshoff writes, “She’s bilingual in Spanish and is happy there, raising her daughter away from all the noise. I don’t think she is in any hurry to return to work or to Hollywood, but she will probably come back when the time is right for the right project.” Amid reports of her permanent move to the Spanish capital, Heard was spotted on the streets of Madrid in 2023.
Heard sold her home in Yucca Valley, California, after the court’s decision for a noteworthy $1.1 million, nearly double the amount she had paid. Rumor has it that she rented a home on the beautiful island of Majorca, where she was seen enjoying a beach getaway with her girlfriend, Eve Barlow. It remains unclear, though, if the two are still together.
In December 2023, Heard reprised her role as Mera, the princess of Xebel, in Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, which was released. It was the last role she played before seeking refuge in Europe. It seems that Amber Heard is content living on the other side of the Atlantic for the foreseeable future.
In a TikTok video shared last year, Heard responded to inquiries from local reporters in Spain. Speaking in Spanish, she expressed her love for the country and her hope to stay there.
Despite the challenges he faced, Depp remains rooted in Hollywood, and fans are thrilled to see him returning to the big screen soon! What are your thoughts on Amber Heard and the defamation trial?