This Marine Dad Received a Heartbreaking Note, but What Happened Next Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Proud parent of a U.S. Marine

Lewis Alexander, a proud dad of a U.S. Marine, wanted to honor his brave son by displaying stickers on his and his wife Tami’s cars. Little did they know that these stickers would attract hatred instead of support. One day, when Lewis parked his car at a store, he came back to find a nasty note left on his windshield in response to the sticker.

The words on the paper hit him hard, and he couldn’t hold back the tears. The note said, “F**k you and your son. I hope he dies.” Devastated by this cruel message, he immediately reached out to the police for help. Although no crime had been committed since the note did not include a direct threat, the sheriff’s office decided to share this incident on their Facebook page to raise awareness.

In their Facebook post, the sheriff’s office condemned the hateful note and expressed their gratitude to all those serving in the military. They wrote, “To this man in Deltona, to anyone who’s served or is serving our country, and to all the families who sacrifice precious months and years with a loved one: THANK YOU.” Their message of support and appreciation was a ray of hope amidst the darkness.

Lewis, still in shock from the incident, called the stranger behind the note “evil.” He couldn’t comprehend how someone could show such hostility, especially when his son was serving to protect their freedom. However, when he saw the sheriff’s office’s Facebook post, he felt a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Tami, Lewis’ wife, shared that their son chose to serve in the military because he wanted to make a difference in the world. And despite this hurtful incident, their family remained resolute in their support for their son and all those who serve.

Lewis had a message for the stranger who left the note, saying, “If I could leave a note on their car, I’d probably say God bless you.” His response reflects the strength of character and kindness that defines the military community.

The sheriff’s office’s Facebook post received an overwhelming response from the community, with many expressing their outrage toward the person who left the note. One person commented, “Whoever left this note should be found and publicly shamed. I don’t support the unnecessary wars, but I do support our troops. They put their lives on the line for us and deserve our respect and thanks.”

Another commenter thanked Lewis’ son and all the military families for their sacrifices, saying, “I am grateful for people like your son, that he/they are willing and ready to protect and defend this country. Many thanks to the families who give up their loved ones so we can have the freedoms that our forefathers wanted for us. God Bless America!”

This incident serves as a reminder that despite the presence of hatred, there is also an overwhelming amount of support and appreciation for those who serve in the military. The resilience and unity of the military community and their families continue to inspire hope and restore our faith in humanity.