Teenagers Standing Up Against Bullying

Teenagers often face criticism for being moody and angsty, but there is more to them than meets the eye. In the midst of their own insecurities and the turbulent transition from childhood to adulthood, many teenagers develop a sense of justice, kindness, and compassion that will shape them as they grow older.


Desiree Andrews, a girl with Down syndrome, is a shining example of the sweetness and vulnerability that can be found in teenagers. Despite her condition, she is a fun-loving and spirited individual with so much to offer the world. One of her greatest passions is cheerleading, and she knew from the start that she wanted to join her junior high school’s cheerleading squad.

During a basketball game, while performing a routine alongside her squad, Desiree was subjected to bullying from members of the audience. It was in this moment of cruelty that three students from the school’s basketball team decided to step in. Scooter Terrien, Chase Vasquez, and Miles Rodriguez recognized the wrong that was taking place and took it upon themselves to intervene. They halted the game, left the court, and confronted the bullies, demanding that they stop.


Chase Vasquez expressed his frustration, saying, “When I heard them talking about her, it made me mad.” Miles Rodriguez added, “The kids in the audience were picking on D, so we all stepped forward.” These boys showed courage and compassion in defending their peer.

This act of kindness created a special bond between Desiree and the boys. They have become good friends, looking out for her and ensuring her well-being. Their actions have also had a positive impact on the school community. Students at the school have embraced the boys’ initiative and the love they have shown for Desiree. The message is clear: everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, regardless of any disabilities they may have.

The gymnasium where the basketball game took place has been renamed in honor of Desiree. It is now called “D’s House,” a heartwarming tribute to a girl who has touched the lives of many. Desiree herself describes the gesture as “sweet, awesome, kind, and amazing.”

This heartwarming story reminds us that compassion and kindness can create a ripple effect, transforming not only the lives of individuals but also the spirit of an entire community. These boys’ actions exemplify the values we should all uphold. Let’s celebrate their extraordinary act of kindness and spread this message of inclusivity.


Please share this story if you believe that everyone, regardless of any disability, should be treated with compassion and kindness. Together, we can make the world a better place for everyone.