Joanne Harrison Files Civil Case Against Rick Harrison

Joanne Harrison, the mother of Rick Harrison from the popular TV show “Pawn Stars,” has filed a civil lawsuit against her son and connected corporate entities. The lawsuit centers around disagreements regarding the assets and ownership of the Las Vegas company featured on the reality TV show.

According to court filings, Harrison’s lawyers have initiated a civil lawsuit in a Nevada state court, naming his mother, himself, Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, Harrison Properties, and JoRich Properties as defendants.

Rick Harrison, known as “The Old Man” on “Pawn Stars,” has denied the allegations that he mistreated his 81-year-old mother, Joanne. The breach-of-contract complaint against him claims that Joanne had been married to her spouse for an incredible 58 years until his passing.

Rick is accused of pressuring Joanne while she was hospitalized in 2000 or 2001 to give him a significant portion of her share in the pawnshop. However, Rick firmly believes that these accusations are false and unjustified.

In 2009, the History Channel featured a segment where Richard Corey Harrison, the family’s grandson, and Austin “Chumlee” Russell, a close friend, visited the pawn store.

After Richard’s death in 2018, Joanne Harrison acquired his 49 percent interest in the company. However, Rick Harrison has not provided her with detailed financial information about the company.

Furthermore, Joanne claims that she has been unable to obtain a full accounting of the alleged cash and silver worth over $500,000 that her late husband had accumulated before his passing.

As a result, Joanne is seeking specific damages and an order prohibiting Rick from accessing her money, as well as placing all of her belongings in a trust.

This legal dispute highlights the complex dynamics within the family and the valuable assets involved. It remains to be seen how the case will unfold in the Nevada state court. Pawn Stars fans are sure to follow the developments closely.