When Kids Take Risks: The Dangers of Peer Pressure

We all remember our youthful days, when we were willing to take on any dare or challenge. It’s a part of growing up, learning when to say no to something that seems too risky. However, even the brightest children can fall victim to peer pressure and find themselves in dangerous situations.

One such case is that of Tyler Broome, an 11-year-old who wanted to impress his friends by taking part in the “roundabout of death” YouTube trend. The name itself may sound ominous, but for Tyler, it was more about showing bravery than recognizing the potential dangers involved.

In this dangerous craze, participants sit in the center of a playground roundabout while the rear wheel of a motorcycle spins it rapidly. The extreme gravitational forces (G-forces) experienced in this activity are similar to those felt by fighter pilots.

Shortly after his involvement in this game, Tyler was found unconscious near the roundabout, possibly suffering from brain and visual damage. The G-forces he experienced are usually only encountered by astronauts and fighter pilots. It is reported that Tyler and a friend were approached by older kids in a nearby park who challenged them to take part in this risky game.

Tyler’s mother, Dawn, expressed her shock and concern for her son: “I don’t recognize my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him, they are not friends. He puts his motorbike on the floor, gets the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just cleared off – it is bullying.”

The injuries Tyler sustained were so severe that the hospital staff had to conduct research because they had never seen such injuries before. Dawn explained, “The injuries were so extreme; he just looked like the Elephant Man. They have never seen it before; they are going to make a medical report from it. His head has completely swelled up, his blood vessels have burst, his eyes look alien. His vision is blurry. You can manage a broken arm, but this? He doesn’t remember it; he doesn’t remember the detail.”

As parents, it is crucial to remember that children are more prone to trying things that we, as adults, would never even consider. The case of Tyler Broome serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of peer pressure and risky trends. Let’s keep Tyler and his family in our hearts and prayers, and let’s also share this story to raise awareness about the highly risky game he participated in.