Roseanne Barr: Speaking Out on Her “Cancelation”

It has been five years since the controversial “cancelation” of Roseanne Barr, yet the wounds are still fresh and the emotions still run deep. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Roseanne reflects on the aftermath of her dismissal and the impact it had on her life.

Back in 2018, Roseanne was riding high on the success of the “Roseanne” reboot. However, everything came crashing down when she posted a tweet comparing White House advisor Valerie Jarrett to a character from “Planet of the Apes.” The tweet sparked outrage and Roseanne found herself facing a barrage of criticism. She claimed that she didn’t know Valerie was Black and that she was under the influence of Ambien, which clouded her judgment.

The consequences were swift and harsh. ABC fired Roseanne, canceled her show, and rebranded it as “The Conners.” Roseanne felt the weight of the backlash and the rejection from the network. “Oh my God, they just hated me so badly,” she expressed. Despite the show’s tremendous success, Roseanne believes that ABC would rather not have a number one show if it meant dealing with her talent and opinions.

Roseanne also laments the lack of support she received from Hollywood. While she acknowledges Mo’nique as a brave and loyal friend, she feels that others in the industry turned their backs on her. She asserts that comedians Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K. did not face the same level of punishment for their controversies. Roseanne believes they were singled out, mentioning Louis C.K.’s admitted sexual misconduct and Dave Chappelle’s criticized transphobic jokes.

The aftermath of her “cancelation” has also affected Roseanne’s relationships with her former sitcom costars. She admits to losing contact with many of them and struggling to understand their actions. Despite the pain she endured and the betrayal she felt, Roseanne claims to have found forgiveness in her heart. She reflects that perhaps being taken out of that situation was a divine intervention, saving her from further harm.

Now, Roseanne is making a comeback. On Feb. 13, she will be returning to TV with a new comedy special for Fox Nation. In a preview of the special, she lightens the mood by humorously asking the crowd, “Has anyone else here been fired recently?”

Roseanne’s journey has been filled with ups and downs, but she continues to persevere. She may have faced harsh criticism and lost everything she worked for, but she has emerged stronger and more resilient. With her new comedy special, she is ready to make her voice heard once again.