Kate Gosselin Loses Court Case Against Jon Gosselin A Year After Collin Gosselin Gets Real About His Relationship With His Mom

Kate Gosselin recently faced a setback in her court battle against her ex-husband Jon Gosselin. The court ruled against her, denying her claim for $132,000 in back child support. Kate and Jon, who share 8 children together, have been in a custody dispute for a while now.

After their divorce, Kate was granted custody of all their children. However, things changed when she decided to institutionalize her son Collin. Collin’s sister Hannah also chose to leave her mother’s house and live with their father. In 2018, Jon gained full custody of both Hannah and Collin, while the other six siblings remained with Kate. Now, all eight of the children are 18 years or older.

Kate currently resides in North Carolina and reportedly faces financial difficulties. This recent court ruling comes a year after Collin, one of the sextuplets, spoke out against his mom. Collin, who spent several years in an institution, opened up about his strained relationship with Kate.

In an exclusive interview, Collin revealed that he didn’t have much of a relationship with his mom even before he was placed in the institution. He described their negative moments as worse than what the average teenager goes through with their parent. However, with the passage of time, Collin has gained a deeper understanding of the situation.

Collin believes that everyone has their own agenda, including his mom, and he was put in a tough spot. He expressed that he wants to make it out of that tough spot and move forward. Reflecting on their family’s reality TV show, Collin believes it played a role in tearing them apart. The show gave them less time to be together as a family and more time in the public eye.

Despite their strained relationship, Collin hasn’t ruled out the possibility of reconciling with his mom. He shared that he wishes he had a relationship with her like any son would, but he is doing well on his own. Collin now wants to share his story to inspire others to overcome obstacles with resilience and kindness.

It’s important to be kind to others and to listen to their stories, according to Collin. He encourages spreading kindness in the world and addressing difficult situations with a positive mindset.
