Despite the danger: Woman with dwarfism proudly embraces pregnancy on the beach

Most married couples have experienced the pressure of being asked when they plan to have children. But for Charli Worgan and her husband Cullen, the question they often faced was not “when,” but rather “why.” Both Charli and Cullen have different forms of dwarfism, which has subjected them to public scrutiny. This scrutiny only intensified when Charli became pregnant with their first child.

Instead of letting the judgment get to her, Charli decided to take a different approach. She started a social media account to educate people about their unique family life. Little did she know that this decision would lead to her Instagram account gaining over 300,000 followers. Today, the couple is proud parents to two beautiful daughters, and Charli’s account continues to inspire and inform others.

Recently, Charli shared the news that she is 14 weeks pregnant with her third baby. However, this announcement came with mixed emotions. Due to their genetic conditions, each pregnancy for Charli and Cullen involves painful genetic testing. Their children could inherit one form of dwarfism, the other form, be of average height, or, in the worst case, inherit both types of dwarfism, which doctors say would be fatal.

Charli expressed her heartache at not being able to enjoy the 12-week milestone in her pregnancy like most mothers do. Instead of celebrating, she found herself undergoing invasive genetic testing, which carries a 2% risk of miscarriage. This testing is necessary to determine the genetic makeup of her baby.

Their two daughters, Tully and Tilba, already have one of the two types of dwarfism. So, when Charli became pregnant for the third time, the couple eagerly awaited to find out which of the four possibilities their baby would have. It could be of average height, have the same form of dwarfism as Charli, have the same form as Cullen, or worst-case scenario, inherit both types of dwarfism, which would be fatal.

The reality of their situation weighed heavily on Charli as she shared her journey on Instagram. Her post revealed that she was waiting to find out if she could bring this little one into the world in March 2021 or if their journey would end prematurely.

Being so open about their lives has exposed Charli to criticism, something she also addresses in her post. She has received judgment for choosing to have children despite the odds. However, by sharing this part of their story, she hopes to show doubters that the decision to bring a child into the world under these circumstances is not an easy one. It is all about kindness and understanding.

Today, the couple is blessed with three beautiful children who are thriving, and they continue to share their ups and downs with their followers. Charli’s recent addition, baby boy Rip, was born in late February. In a touching Instagram post, she shared a picture of her with her newborn and imparted some wise words for all parents:

“I may be tired, but I am incredibly grateful and lucky. There is no ‘correct’ way to do motherhood, and there certainly is no ‘wrong’ way either.”

Through her posts and her journey, Charli shows that her experience as a parent is just like anyone else’s. She reminds us that the struggles and joys of bringing children into this world are universal. Her inspirational posts serve as a testament to her resilience and inspire others. We wish the Worgan family continued health and happiness on their extraordinary journey.