Boy Genius Challenges Stephen Hawking’s Views on God

Boy Genius Defies Stephen Hawking’s Views On God, Aims To Disprove Him

The debate about the existence of God continues to stir minds, with scientists and religious believers offering their own perspectives. One of the most renowned astrophysicists, Professor Stephen Hawking, firmly believed that God was not real. However, there is a brave 11-year-old who is challenging Hawking’s views and defending his faith.

William Maillis, a genius according to Ohio State University psychologist Joanne Ruthsatz, is no ordinary child. Graduating from high school at the age of nine, he is now pursuing his academic goals. Despite his brilliance in academia, Maillis strongly believes in the existence of a higher power.

Maillis finds himself in a unique situation, being the child of a pastor, and having the intellect to question the scientific explanations. He poses an interesting argument against the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began with a singularity billions of years ago.

According to Maillis, gravity is always at work. If this is the case, then the singularity should have always been there, and the universe should be infinitely old. However, it is widely accepted that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. Maillis concludes that something other than the singularity must have created the universe, something he observes as God.

For Maillis, the existence of a higher power is evident in the creative energy behind the universe. He firmly believes that someone is responsible for its creation, and that someone is God. Even though his theories may challenge scientific views, Maillis hopes to pursue astrophysics as a profession to prove to the scientific world that God does exist.

In a world where science and faith often collide, it is refreshing to see a young mind unafraid to challenge established theories. With his determination and intellect, William Maillis aims to make a significant impact in the academia and bridge the gap between science and religion.