A 5-Year-Old Hero Saves His Family from a Burning Home

A heartwarming story unfolded when a brave five-year-old boy rescued his family of nine from a devastating house fire. Noah Woods woke up to flames dangerously close to his bed on a Sunday morning. Without hesitation, he sprang into action.

Heroic 5-year-old Carries Sister Out Of Burning Home, Then Rushes Back To Help Save 7 Other Family Members

“I picked Lily up, got to the window with Lily, got the dog and got out,” Noah recounted courageously. And he didn’t stop there.

Noah, along with his two-year-old sister Lily and their faithful dog, managed to escape through the window of their shared room. Once they reached safety, Noah rushed back into the house. His mission: to alert the rest of his family and ensure their survival.

Our local hero, Noah Woods, is deserving of all the praise he has received. The Bartow County Fire Department expressed their admiration for Noah’s extraordinary bravery. “5-year-old Noah Woods recently woke up to find his bedroom on fire. He got himself and his 2-year-old sister out of the window to escape the fire and re-entered the house to alert the rest of the family,” they posted.

Noah’s quick thinking and selfless actions saved the lives of all nine family members. Despite sustaining a minor burn on his wrist, Noah, along with four other family members, received treatment for minor burns and smoke inhalation. As a testament to his heroism, BCFD Chief Dwayne Jamison will honor Noah as an Honorary Bartow County Firefighter and present him with a Lifesaving Award.

The entire family managed to escape unharmed, thanks to Noah’s bravery. However, their home was completely destroyed by the fire. The road to recovery may be challenging, but this resilient family is grateful to have each other’s support as they rebuild their lives.

Noah, you are an incredible hero. Your selfless act saved your family’s lives, and we have no doubt that the entire neighborhood will rally behind you as you embark on this journey of rebuilding.

Please consider sharing this extraordinary story on Facebook to celebrate the remarkable actions of this smart young hero!

Noah's Family
Noah and Lily
Noah's Brave Act