The United States Must Prepare for the New Era of Climate Change

Climate change has long been a topic of concern, with scientists warning that it would bring about unprecedented natural disasters. The world is now experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, with extreme weather events becoming more frequent and intense. The United States, in particular, has been hit hard by these disasters, highlighting the vulnerabilities of its infrastructure and systems.

In the past, the focus was primarily on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change. However, it has become clear that simply reducing emissions is no longer enough. The United States must now prioritize climate adaptation, making necessary changes in how it builds, plans, and lives. This includes developing a national adaptation strategy that identifies vulnerabilities, sets shared priorities, and integrates climate risk into decision-making processes.

The year 2021 has seen a series of climate-related disasters that demonstrate the urgent need for adaptation. In Texas, icy storms and freezing temperatures overwhelmed the electric grid, leaving millions without power. In Oregon, a heatwave forced the shutdown of public transportation systems that were not built to withstand such extreme temperatures. And in Washington State, roads buckled under intense heat that researchers determined would have been nearly impossible without climate change.

Alaska, one of the fastest-warming regions, is experiencing thawing permafrost that threatens infrastructure like the Trans-Alaska pipeline. Heavy rainfall has overloaded drainage systems in the eastern United States, leading to widespread flooding. Mudslides and collapsing highways have occurred in areas recently affected by wildfires. Droughts have caused water and power shortages, as well as increased the risk of wildfires.

To address these challenges, the recently proposed $1 trillion infrastructure bill is a step in the right direction. It includes provisions to help communities prepare for climate-induced disasters and to rebuild infrastructure to be more resilient. However, adaptation efforts must go beyond this bill. Policymakers at all levels of government need to consider climate change in every decision they make. Communities must rethink how they build, businesses must reevaluate supply chains, and emergency managers must plan for new types of crises.

A comprehensive national adaptation strategy is necessary to guide these efforts. This strategy should include vulnerability assessments to identify areas at high risk for climate disasters. State and local leaders can use these assessments to inform their planning, while federal leaders can prioritize large-scale investments that address specific risks. The strategy should also promote the use of disaster-resistant building codes and encourage prudent land-use choices that minimize exposure to climate risks. Additionally, it should address the historical injustices that have left marginalized communities more vulnerable to climate impacts.

The need for national adaptation planning has been recognized for years, but action has been lacking. It is time to take these warnings seriously and develop a robust adaptation plan. Climate change is an urgent problem that requires everyone’s attention. While efforts to reduce emissions must continue, it is equally important to prepare for the inevitable impacts of climate change. The time to act is now.