Little Boy and the Outhouse

Once upon a time, in the peaceful countryside, there lived a mischievous little boy. In his quaint home, they had a rustic outhouse. Now, this outhouse was not the most pleasant place to be. It was oppressively hot in the summer, bone-chillingly cold in the winter, and the stench was unbearable all year round.

Sitting on the edge of a bubbling creek, the outhouse was the little boy’s nemesis. He despised it so much that he dreamt of a day when he could finally rid his family of its presence.

One fateful day, after a heavy spring rain, the creek swelled with water. The mischievous little boy saw this as his golden opportunity to make his dream a reality. Armed with nothing but a sturdy stick, he knew he had to act quickly.

With determination in his heart, the little boy pushed and pushed against the outhouse. He exerted all his strength until, finally, the old outhouse teetered and… plop! It splashed into the raging waters of the creek.

That night, oblivious to the events that had unfolded, the little boy’s father called him to the woodshed after supper. Fear consumed the boy’s heart, for he knew a spanking was imminent. Anxiously, he asked his father why.

His father looked at him sternly and replied, “Someone pushed the outhouse into the creek today. It was you, wasn’t it, son?” The boy hesitated for a moment, knowing that honesty was the best policy, and finally confessed with a timid nod.

The little boy, now convinced that the truth would set him free, boldly proclaimed, “Dad, I read at school today that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and didn’t get into trouble because he told the truth.”

His father sighed, his strict expression softening. He looked at his son, love and understanding in his eyes, and gently explained, “Well, son, George Washington’s father wasn’t in that cherry tree.”

The little boy learned a valuable lesson that day. He realized that while honesty was important, he also needed to consider the consequences of his actions. It wasn’t just about telling the truth, but also making wise choices in the first place.

And so, as the mischievous little boy grew older, he carried this lesson with him, cherishing the memory of the day he pushed the outhouse into the creek, and the wisdom his father imparted upon him.