The Dangers of Tampons: A Warning for Women Everywhere

Her legs are amputated after using a common household product – Now she's warning women everywhere

In 2012, Californian model Lauren Wasser found herself in the hospital with what she thought was the flu. Little did she know that she was actually suffering from toxic shock syndrome (TSS) caused by bacterial toxins. The cause? A simple tampon. This incident would forever change Lauren’s life.

TSS is a serious infection that can be triggered by the use of tampons, especially when they are left in for extended periods of time. It can have devastating consequences, as Lauren learned firsthand. She slipped into a coma for more than a week, and when she finally woke up, doctors had to amputate one of her legs to stop the infection. She was only 24 years old at the time.

Since that life-altering event, Lauren has made it her mission to ensure that no one else goes through what she had to endure. Her determination to raise awareness has led her to launch a legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance, the brand of tampons that caused her severe reaction.

Lauren understands the importance of educating women about the potential dangers of tampons. In an article for InStyle, she emphasizes, “Considering that the vagina is the most absorbent part of a woman’s body and is a gateway to many of our vital organs, it is crucial that consumers know the reality of what could happen to them.”

Despite her ongoing battle, Lauren recently had to undergo another amputation, this time of her other leg. However, her spirit remains unbroken. She took to social media after the surgery, sharing a photo of herself with Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, who has also undergone amputations. Lauren’s message was one of strength and optimism, as she embraces the next chapter of her life.

Lauren’s resilience and determination are admirable. She fights not only for herself but for others as well, so that no one else has to endure the pain and suffering she has experienced. Let’s join her in spreading the word and sharing her story, so that all women can be aware of the potential dangers of tampons.