What an Implosion Looks Like: A Somber Glimpse into the OceanGate Titan Submarine Disaster

Ever since the OceanGate Titan submarine tragedy, people have been curious about what an implosion actually looks like. Fortunately or unfortunately, TikTok users have created their own simulations and samples to give us a glimpse into this devastating event. These videos offer a somber insight into what transpired beneath the ocean’s depths.

In one video shared by @starfieldstudio on Twitter, we witness the modified OceanGate submersible sinking before it collapses inward, much like a can of Coke being crushed. It’s a haunting representation of the force of the water and the immense pressure that led to the implosion.

As NBC News’ Armin Cate explained, “From my understanding, the submersible imploded. In other words, the force of the water was so strong that it blew the back and the front of the submersible off. When you crush that tube in the middle it’s like crushing a can of Coca-Cola you might say.”

Another video by @sincerelybootz sheds light on the instantaneous nature of a submarine implosion. “So this is essentially what happens when a submarine implodes,” the creator explains. “It’s very instantaneous when it comes to the loss of life on board.”

The fact that the crew members likely did not suffer provides some comfort to the loved ones who mourn their loss. However, the implosion serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk beneath the ocean’s surface.

OceanGate’s CEO, Stockton Rush, who tragically perished during the dive, has been accused of disregarding safety warnings in the past. Rob McCallum, an expert on the deep sea, shared his correspondence with Stockton, expressing concerns and urging caution. However, Stockton dismissed these concerns and believed that the submersible was safer than flying in a helicopter or scuba diving. Unfortunately, he was proven very wrong.

The tragedy of the OceanGate Titan submarine also raises questions about its compliance with international laws. The vessel was not registered with international agencies and lacked classification by a maritime industry group that sets engineering standards. OceanGate believed that the innovative design of the Titan would take years for inspectors to understand.

As we reflect on this devastating event, let us remember the importance of safety and caution in all endeavors. Please share this information with your family and friends, as we strive to learn from this tragedy and prevent such incidents in the future.